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Indonesian Jamu Recipe


When you dine at Captain Coconuts, you will start your meal with a complimentary Jamu shot. Jamu is a traditional Indonesian health tonic, usually including fresh turmeric which is widely accepted as a powerful anti-inflammatory. If you travel throughout Indonesia, you will probably see little old ladies walking around selling drinks in plastic bags, this is Jamu.


4-5 2 inch pieces of fresh turmeric

2 inch piece of fresh ginger

1 Tbsp of Tamarind paste, or a few tamarind seeds if you can get them

1 small pinch of pepper

1 Tbsp honey

4 cups water


Bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan. Clean the turmeric and ginger really well and grate it into the boiling water. Add the tamarind, pepper and honey and simmer for 20 minutes. Allow it to cool and remove the tamarind (if you used seeds) and blend the mixture. Strain to remove the fibres and serve with a bruised lemon grass stalk. Add more honey if you like it sweeter.

The use of pepper is not traditional but is known to help the body absorb turmeric.



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